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Gaomi Zhongyide Machinery Manufacture Co.Ltd.
Add:Hujiazhuang Industrial Park.Gaomi City.Shandong Province.China
Company culture

Enterprise purpose: the enterprise-based, to the community as their responsibility, to create wealth and self-perfection. 

Entrepreneurship: focus on product quality, reduce production costs, develop team spirit, a total new brilliance.


Strategic Approach: The quality, adjusting the structure, broaden the market, lowering the efficiency. 

Quality Policy: The people-oriented, quality competition, and overall optimization, continuous improvement. 

People-oriented: for the corporate governance requirements and product quality requirements, organizational employees laws and regulations, quality system documents the training of basic knowledge to improve the overall quality of staff, a new formation mechanism and measures of education and employment mechanism of living, and constantly adapt to the market and business development requirements. 

Quality Competition: a market-oriented, to create a brand strategy, the use of corrective and preventive measures, as well as product protection measures to identify and achieve product requirements to quality, so as to achieve customer satisfaction. 

Global Optimization: The New Culture and spirit of the armed team-building, the establishment of enterprise system innovation, technological innovation and management innovation, encourage enterprises to sustained, rapid and healthy development of the culture and into the quality, the quality of and into the market, and ultimately achieving customer satisfaction. 

Continuous improvement: innovation and development, the effectiveness of the quality system, product performance, customer service and other aspects of continuous improvement, has introduced competitive products, to achieve customer satisfaction. 

Business philosophy: first-class quality, reasonable price and timely delivery of satisfactory service
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Gaomi Zhongyide Machinery Manufacture Co.Ltd.
Add:Hujiazhuang Industrial Park.Gaomi City.Shandong Province.China
Tel:+86-536-2610688 2859999
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