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Pollution is serious Ninghai many foundry steel business chimney will be demolished recently

Release time: 2018/1/14 14:01:56 | Source: | This article is read
The Ninghai County Precision Casting Machinery Factory, located in Weijia Village, Huangtan Town, Ninghai County, has recently demolished two chimneys of more than 20 meters in height. By the end of January 2010, the county will also demolish 29 chimneys in 23 foundries.

Huanghai Town, Ninghai, focuses on the majority of casting enterprises in the county. Last year, the industrial output value and tax revenue of the steel industry accounted for 4.7% and 8.9% of the entire town. However, the production process in the company produces emissions, waste water, noise and other pollution.

So far, there are already 5 enterprises in 23 enterprises that choose to eliminate backward technology, adopt new technology, and another 5 enterprises choose to close down.
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